IRS approved 501(c)3 non-profit charity
in Central California
President & Founder:
Marlene Dodge

Since 2000, our Equine Welfare Organization has been dedicated to rescuing and caring for at-risk equines. We also train and educate people to improve the welfare of equines.

Our work is funded by donations, so please consider a contribution!
Thank you.

Provide an evacuation center for local area horses, including daily care.
Multiple high-number equine evacuations including during California fires and floods, and other states' tornados and catastrophic weather events.
Rescue of equines from at-risk situations, including neglectful & abusive homes, local auctions & slaughter feedlots.
All types of horses transported, including layovers for halter training, hoof care, and Coggins & health certificates for travel in California or to out of state.
Rehabilitation and preparation for adoption or sanctuary placement.
Extensive network with other rescues & sanctuaries.
Specializing in wild, feral, studs & group transportation - the 'difficult' ones.
Gelding clinic support including housing studs, plus travel to and from the clinic.
Educate and support local horse owners & groups in achieving sound practices.
Animal care educational training for Future Farmers of America, 4H Groups, local youth groups, volunteers & international interns.
Emergency Hay/Feed Bank for owners who can care for their horses but are temporarily in financial hardship.
Hardship foster care for owners temporarily unable to care for their horses such after fires or floods.
With this initiative, our goal is to support the welfare of animals in need. With the support of our dedicated community, our Advocacy efforts go a long way. Learn more about this initiative and how you can help.

We are dedicated to stepping up our Rehabilitation efforts, which is by no means an easy feat. But through cooperation and community involvement, we believe we can facilitate progress in this area.

With our mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies to make our Rescue efforts more effective. Contact us to learn more about our team’s hard work and commitment to this cause.

A few of our yearling fillies who have just started our handling and halter-training program to prepare them for adoption.